Work-Life Balance:
How We Support Our Employees

Health care is a demanding profession, and it can be easy for the line between work and personal life to blur. At Beaufort Memorial, we want employees to enjoy Lowcountry living to the fullest. That’s why we go the extra mile to help our team maintain work-life balance, so we can be fully present and at our best when we’re on — and off — the job.

Beaufort Memorial work life balance

What Work-Life Balance Means to Us

family walking outside

Work and life are sometimes inseparable — inevitably, one will intrude on the other. However, maintaining work-life balance can prevent work from infringing on personal time and vice versa. Setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and developing the ability to switch between work and off-work modes can help us achieve equilibrium.

Our health is connected to work-life balance. If we’re consumed by work, the resulting stress can disrupt sleep and increase the risk of depression, cardiovascular problems and other health conditions. A poor work-life balance also increases the risk of burnout, a major problem for health care providers across the country.

Work-life balance isn’t just beneficial for us — it’s also good for the people we care for. When we’re able to de-stress away from work, we come to work focused, energized and ready to provide safe, excellent care. That’s how work-life balance contributes to our culture.

How We Find Equilibrium

Supportiveness, compassion, connection and communication are key traits of Beaufort Memorial’s culture — and they’re part of how we promote work-life balance for every member of our team. Here are some of the resources, initiatives and events that help us stay balanced:

couple walking outside

  • Beaufort Memorial Hub. Accessible on workstations and through an app on personal mobile devices, the Hub is our one-stop digital destination for news, events, staff recognition and, importantly, the employee engagement and wellness page. This page provides links to resources that help us practice self-care and tips for switching between work and off-work modes.
  • Employee assistance program (EAP). Designed to help employees address their mental health, our EAP connects you with fully licensed mental health professionals who can counsel you through difficult moments in life, whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, experiencing relationship struggles or feeling overwhelmed by work. The program also provides access to legal and financial services in the community. 

Beaufort employees socializing

  • Employee engagement events. Whether a watercraft race with teammates or an annual hospital gathering, such as Trunk or Treat, our employee engagement events are a great way to have fun together — and build social connections that contribute to work-life balance.
  • LifeFit Wellness Services. As health care providers, we’re so devoted to caring for others that it can be easy to move our own health to the backburner. We offer free employee memberships to our LifeFit Wellness Center, which is home to personal training, wellness coaching, nutrition counseling, massage therapy and more. Prefer to exercise in a nonpublic setting? We offer an employee-only gym on the second floor of the Beaufort Medical and Administrative Center.
  • Schwartz Rounds. Open to all employees, these hour-long discussions explore topics that can help us cultivate work-life balance while finding support from fellow employees.
  • Wellness app. The meQuilibrium app provides a wealth of information about how to decompress when not at work, what to do to compartmentalize different aspects of life and how to switch focus between work and home.

At Beaufort Memorial, our employees’ work-life balance is crucial to fulfilling our mission to enhance the quality of life for residents in the Lowcountry. Join our team and you’ll also find the tools and support you need to thrive both professionally and personally.

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