LifeFit Wellness Center FAQ

Answers to Your Questions about the LifeFit Wellness Center

What makes LifeFit different from other fitness facilities?
Our medically supervised program helps members improve their fitness and wellness. Everyone who joins LifeFit receives a health assessment and an action plan.

What if I just want to work out?
Every member must complete a health assessment.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?
No. You can cancel your membership with one month’s notice.

How much does it cost?
Call 843-522-5635 or view the price sheet.

Why do you put so much emphasis on risk factors?
Because 60 to 70 percent of people in South Carolina have two or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Why does Beaufort Memorial offer this program?
When we conducted a community health needs assessment we found that an unusually high percentage of Lowcountry residents are prone to chronic disease.

Where does the money to pay for these new programs come from?
The upfront costs were funded by the Beaufort Memorial Hospital Foundation, thanks to grants and gifts from individuals and businesses. Membership and service fees cover ongoing operating costs.

What other benefits does membership offer?

Do I need my doctor’s referral to join?
No. We will ask for the name of your doctor, so we can share your progress.

What’s in this for the hospital?
Our mission is to deliver superior healthcare services to our patients and to improve the health of our community. The LifeFit Wellness Center helps us fulfill this mission.