Screenings Women Need

Your health needs change throughout your life. In your 20s, basic health checks may suffice, but by your 30s and 40s, you need to pay extra attention to heart health, breast health and more. When you reach your 50s and 60s, you face the menopausal transition, which affects not only your hormones but heart health and bone density as well.

front cover of women's health screening guideDownload your free copy of A Lifetime of Good Health to find out which screenings you need, each decade of life.

Primary Care Services for Women

Pelvic exams, obstetrical care and mammograms are all unique to women’s health, but there are many other screenings you need to stay healthy. In our guide, you’ll learn that…

  • Lung cancer kills more women than breast cancer but is highly preventable
  • Women need to continue cervical cancer screenings into their 60s
  • You can have risk factors for heart disease and not know it

Learn more about the screenings you need and when in our free guide.